Thursday, March 4, 2021

Prayers of A Husband

A few months ago I came across one of Bryan's prayer journals...and I wept. It wasn't organized, color-coded, or neat but oh how he prayed for so many of you, for the church, for this city, the future, for his kids and for me!

At the bottom of one of the pages he wrote:

"Pray Jesus to move in power to bring Kimberley
out of teaching to get to the Calling (you have for her)"

Seeing his handwriting, the prayers on his heart...broke me. I literally crumbled to the floor not just in grief but because of incredible LOVE! To know that my husband was going to God and requesting that He move mountains for me is overwhelmingly beautiful. Bryan's faith to ask bold things always amazed and sometimes scared me :)  But the way he KNEW me, humbled me daily.  Bryan looked past my outwardly and obvious strengths, my very very apparent weaknesses, past my hurt, my blustering, my doubts, my fears. For twenty-five years he saw me as MORE than....he saw things that I couldn't and stuff that I didn't even believe about myself yet. This was so POWERFUL to me as a wife. 

But Babe, what does this look like now? I'm a single mom, the sole provider. This job is my safety net, guaranteed, with health insurance, and 20 years experience. I can't imagine doing anything new...without you here cheering me on, your constant encouragement and support. Holding me when I cry because I'm scared to fail or take the next step. Speaking truth over me as the enemy's arrows try to pierce my heart. Please don't hold me to this RIGHT NOW!!! It's too big to do without you by my side. 

In my prayers I let God know all these reasons why the timing just wouldn't work; too many unknowns, not enough energy, too broken, no strength or capacity to even consider change of this magnitude after the last year.  My Jesus gently responded with "Kimberley, do you trust me?" and loudly shouted,  "I AM YOUR SAFETY NET!"

So for the first time in 10 years I did not sign my teaching contract. God has released me and closed that door.....the responses are falling into three categories:

1) Yeah....that makes sense.
2) Hmmm.... what is she going to do?
3) Oh dear she really has no plan...she has lost her mind.

I can't answer many questions because I don't have many answers but I can tell you that I am at peace and confident. With the prayers of my husband covering me and the perfect faithfulness of my Jesus...I say, Let's do THIS! What's next?

"Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God." Psalm 20:7


Friday, December 18, 2020

Almost 25 Birthdays Together...

December 18th, 1995 we celebrated your 21st birthday together! We had only been dating a month but I wanted to make it special! I didn’t have a lot of money but you are only 21 once...and you chose to hang out with me! So I scrapped the funds I needed to rent a limousine because you had never been in one. I knew then you deserved to be spoiled. I loved surprising you and seeing the look on your face when it pulled up to get you. Priceless! Your smile stayed the same even though the driver almost killed us, he limo was falling apart and the food at dinner was not that good. The way you smiled at me made feel on top of the world and it was your birthday! 

When I look at this picture..I see how young we were. New. Untried. Innocent as to what is to come. Insanely attracted :) You were a hopeless romantic and I was a skeptical observer, waiting for the shoe to drop, for the trust to unravel and you to not be whom you claimed to be. We talked for hours, laughed until we cried, and kissed until our lips were chapped 😍 Standing there with arms wrapped around each other I had no idea that I would be your wife, the mother of your children, your partner in everything. I could not even fathom that you were to become the other half of my soul, the love of my life, my rock, my heart. 

25 years later the shoe never dropped, the trust never unraveled and you were EXACTLY who you claimed to be and much much more! You taught me how to love again by being consistent and kind, even when I tried to push you away. You restored my faith in men who back up their words with actions, showed up, and treated others with such respect. Your love gave me courage to face the pain. Your consistency kept me secure. Your patience gave me the space to figure out how to be me! Your encouragement made me believe in myself when I usually had such deep doubts. The way you served others made me a better person to be less about myself. Your faith in how big your God is humbled me to dream bigger! 

When I look at this picture... I see two ordinary people, complete opposites, on different paths that God put together and used to write an amazing love story to glorify Him. I look at this picture and know how ABSURDLY well I was loved, how blessed I am, and what a treasure I was given with you.

Happy Birthday in Heaven Babe, oh how I wish you were here so I can hold you one more time. Look into your eyes and see myself the way you did. Tell you that I still get butterflies in my stomach when I think of you and my eyes light up when I talk about you. I miss you desperately but I will love you for eternity. #Sideways8

“And this world is fading away, along with everything that people crave. But anyone who does what pleases God will live forever.” 1 John 2:17

Monday, December 14, 2020

New Bathroom, Old Ideas

The last part of the house to be redone was our back bathroom. It was bad...really bad. Not only is it small...really small, but it was literally falling apart. No one but Bryan has used that shower in years. We tried to clean it, scrub it, disinfect it and no matter what it still looked gross. We kept telling him he was going to catch Ebola or the Plague from just being in there. But he LOVED showers...really loved them. He liked that he had one area which was his own space, his quiet time and sometimes would take 30-45 minutes. I would remind him that he was wasting water, time, and seriously it wasn't a luxurious experience so why did he take so long? I might have poked fun of him of few times....(leave me alone how could I not). 

"Bryan, most people have a prayer closet to spend time with God. Not a water closet!" "Babe, are thinking you are bathing in Holy water?' Lakin would say, "Dad you don't have that much hair to wash?"

He would always calmly reply back, "This is where I talked to God, dream, and sort out my day." I would huff and puff, but then smile because he was so right, like usual! 

Because we have lived here for over 20 years and some of the conversations we have had after he has come out of that shower have actually been life-changing for us and many others. Important job decisions were made. Kid problems, finances and arguments worked out. Ministries and business were started. Churches were birthed. The Refuge Center, Amplified Productions, Elements City Church, Eliminate Hunger Food Distribution, Generosity Feeds, Serve Sunday, numerous sound systems designed and much much more all emerged from Bryan's time in his extremely tiny H2O Oasis.

His bathroom is now brand new, all the way down to the studs, thanks to leaking water. Grays, whites, clean, fresh, bigger, and better. Oh how I wish he was here to enjoy it...his space, his closet for prayers and dreams. Oh how I wish we would have done this sooner. He deserved it.

But babe, I had to do something little to give it some pop! The pink is to help me smile and not be so sad when I'm in there now. It reminds me to breathe and smell the "roses" when I am surrounded by the memories of you. It's where I go to cry so the kids can't see me and I want to be near you. And Bryan, I also pray in there a lot :) 



Monday, March 9, 2020

Growth Has A Price

"When the storm is out on the ocean and the violent wind gets to blowing......oh take me back, all the way back, to my first love!" 
(Take Me Back by Maverick City Music)

Lord, I want to be whole! I want to be free! I want to be so sensitive to your Spirit that I say what you want me to say, see things how you see them, act like you would act, and love like you love! I want to forgive! I want be renewed and restored! Help me to hunger for your presence and thirst for your word! I want to offer everyone you put in my path; your light and hope!

I don't want to self-protect or build walls that hide all that you have redeemed in me!

I don't want to hesitate to trust or love others because I think the risk is too high.

I don't want my wounds and scars to SCREAM LOUDER than my FAITH!

I won't remain stuck in my hurt, with my head down, going around in circles, lost in the feelings that get me nowhere.

I don't want to pretend or stay superficial because I am afraid people won't like the real me.

Fear has no place here. It takes up too much space. It crowds out your grace, your mercy, your abundant promises, and your truth.

Lord, help me to have a posture of humility rather than pride that comes so natural and robs me of your blessings.

This season of winter will not hang around forever....the "SON" has not left me. His radiance and warmth faithfully draws me closer. Springtime always comes after the cold and the thawing of my heart begins. Seeds of hope take root and begin to break through the hard soil. When the storm blows over there is fresh ground for new growth, new sweet fruit, new opportunities, news songs, and endless possibilities. He is ALIVE in me doing a new thing!

I will not let the enemy steal my songs of praise, my worship will rise up and my soul will still declare His Holy name!

I CHOOSE joy no matter the circumstances.
I BELIEVE in your promises!
I have HOPE that holds on through the strongest of storms.

God you are so good. You are working even when I can't see it. You are there even when I can't feel you. You have never let me go.

Here is to new beginnings, however painful it might have been to get here.
Take me back to my first love......... you Jesus!

"Even the wilderness and desert will be glad in those days. The wasteland will rejoice and blossom with spring crocuses. Yes, there will be an abundance of flowers and singing and joy! The deserts will become as green as the mountains of Lebanon, as lovely as Mount Carmel or the plain of Sharon. There the Lord will display his glory, the splendor of our God. With this news, strengthen those who have tired hands, and encourage those who have weak knees." Isaiah 35:1-3

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Summer of Healing

This summer we didn’t go anywhere tropical or on a trip of a lifetime. We don’t have pictures to post all over Facebook about fun adventures or amazing places visited. Yet, this summer has been one of the most powerful, impactful, and life-changing that Bryan and I have ever had. It is hard to put into words. I can't really do it justice because our experiences haven’t been about good information but supernatural transformation. Now that I look on the past year, I know God has been getting us ready, preparing us, for these divine appointments with Him.
This summer has been about healing ...healing our hearts where we didn't even know there were wounds. Digging down to the places buried deep in the corners where unforgiveness had taken root, hidden by those fortified walls we build to protect us from hurt, and releasing it all at the feet of His throne. Wow! This was so freeing but yet not easy....roots are often strong and entrenched, not wanting to give up their hold with just a gentle tug! There was a cost and an emptiness that had to be replaced with the love of God by the power of the Holy Spirit.

...healing our trust that God does indeed have a plan and a purpose for Tucson! That this desert will not be spiritually dry forever. The time is coming when He will saturate the land with living streams of water that will restore, renew, and refresh the territory that belongs to Him!
...healing us of an unnatural heaviness that weighed down our shoulders physically and our souls spiritually. Jesus says in Matthew 11:30, "For my yolk is easy and my burden is light." We had to honestly search our hearts where we had taken up yolks that were not ours to carry. We had to confess doing things in our own strength and relying on our skills rather than in Him.

This summer has been about discovery of the POWER of prayer that went beyond what we could ever imagine. Not our usual small mamby-pamby prayers of checklists and begging for things we want. The kind of strategic and specific prayer that comes from being connected to His Spirit that unleashes the fullness of His power! Prayer that expects mountains to move, chains to break, and the darkness to bow because of the Great I AM!
We discovered the gifts that God has given us with His Holy Spirit. Gifts that are not often talked about in most churches or are surrounded by confusion because they seem weird. The gifts of wisdom, great faith, special messages, discernment, miraculous acts, prophecy, healing, unknown languages, and interpretation of these unknown languages. (1 Cor 12:-10) God has a toolbox of gifts for us to use and we walk around carrying a little lunch box. Maybe the power tools of the Spirit are scarier, misused or misunderstood so we just don't bother to talk about them. But Bryan and I got to experience what true unity and a oneness looks like with a group of believers all working together in their gifts and it was amazing! Now that we have tasted this, we crave it.

God also gave us REST this summer....not the kind we try to get on a vacation or a day off but rest IN Him! We can find rest in His word, in His presence, in His power... whenever we spend time with Him. This kind of rest fills our soul like nothing else this world has to offer! Our creator longs for a relationship with us. Not a check-in when we think about it or when we are desperate; but a vibrant, active, on-going, real connection to Him. All we have to do is ask!

Healing, discovery, and rest...not usually on our bucket lists. Can't make a photo book about it. Won't get many likes on social media....but really how are we living without these?
"With my whole heart, with my whole life, and with my innermost being, I bow in wonder and love before you, the holy God! Yahweh, you are my soul’s celebration. How could I ever forget the miracles of kindness you’ve done for me? You kissed my heart with forgiveness, in spite of all I’ve done. You’ve healed me inside and out from every disease. You’ve rescued me from hell and saved my life. You’ve crowned me with love and mercy. You satisfy my every desire with good things. You’ve supercharged my life so that I soar again like a flying eagle in the sky!" Psalm 103:1-5 Passion Translation