Wednesday, April 6, 2011

10 Things I Have Done but Maybe Shouldn't Have!

Although this list is not exhaustive...I have chosen to leave quite a bit out. My friends from high school and college probably have many more to add, but remember I have much dirt on you guys too :)

1. I wore a new outfit every day for a month in high school and never wore jeans! Plus it took my almost two hours to curl each piece of my hair, everyday! Now I can get ready in 10 minutes, wear the same jeans until they are so dirty they walk themselves to the laundry, and have half the closet I used to.

2. Did a roll in a T-37 plane using what seemed to me just a joystick, during Officer Training, even though I hate to fly! The captain took his hands off his controls until I didn't roll us fast enough. Oops! Then he wanted to make me puke so he basically turned off the engine and pretended to spiral down. I didn't throw up but I almost peed my pants.

3. Tried to jump a wrought iron fence in Rocky Point and ended up getting my shorts caught on the spikes. I hung from my pocket (because I couldn't reach the ground to lift them off and they were not ripping very fast) until a Mexican Federali came by, laughed at me until he was in tears, hit me on the head with his club, and then pulled me off. Not a high point for sure! Did I tell you in my last blog that I had no idea what hotel we were staying at, I didn't speak Spanish, and my friends had left me?

4. I saluted a general with my left hand, at OTS, in front of 300 other people. If I could have dug through the cement with my teeth at that moment I would have. For those of you not familiar with military protocol. You salute with your right hand, so it was like I pulled down my pants and mooned the general.

5. I joined the Ski Club up at NAU. I was a member for five years and never once went skiing! But I did ride down the switchbacks of Sedona using a borrowed rent-a-bike with them. I almost died going 30 mph with brakes that were iffy and wheels that were not stable.

6. I have dyed my hair so many wrong colors. To name a few; Cyndi Lauper-orange, pumpkin spice, ash that turned green, Madonna-white blond, multi-colored that looked like I was a spotted leopard. This one happened because I let two girls give me highlights in the kitchen with a turkey baster and brush!

7. Joined the Water Polo Team at NAU. Yes, I was a collegiate athlete for....oh one month. I had to quit because I could't see without my glasses and they kept getting in the way when I was fighting for the ball in the water. Plus, the spots on them kept me from seeing where the ball actually was. (Yes, I wore my glasses in the pool while I was playing) HYSTERICAL

8. Stole or borrowed my sister's brand new car and didn't bring it home for 24 hours. She and my mom were waiting on the front lawn when I pulled in. Did I mention she stole my boyfriend in 6th grade in my last blog?

9. Pretended I was from Sweden and didn't speak a lot of English so these guys would buy my friends and me free drinks the whole night. I think this was when my hair was in a really white blond stage :) I kept thinking I sounded like the guy from the Muppets, the Swedish Chef with the meatballs???

10. I ran into the house of a stranger, on Thanksgiving night, thinking it was my friend's house. I had to go to the bathroom and wasn't paying attention. When I opened the door the entire family was just sitting there looking up at me. I said, "Oops I think I have the wrong house. Sorry!" and ran out. I then noticed I was actually a street a way.


Dustin DeJong said...

At least now you have good stories to tell!

Christina said...

I laughed out loud after getting a visual in my head of number 7 ... too funny!

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