Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Dear Miley Cyrus

Dear Miley Cyrus,

I know that you are an entertainer. I know that you make money by performing and any kind of publicity is great for famous people. I have heard you say in reference to some of your behavior that, "You were making history, it's no big deal because that's just who I am."

I can see you are "trying to reinvent yourself, and shrug off the Disney Hannah Montana image that you made millions on. You want to "evolve" and you thought doing something drastic was the best course of action. Your quote, "Every time I do anything, I want to remember, 'This is what separates me from everybody else,' I have this freedom to do whatever I want because I'm starting as a new artist now."

You are right, as an adult, you are free to do whatever you want..even if that means making negative impressions on millions of little girls who grew up watching your show and concerts. You have no moral responsibility when those same girls can't separate your new "behaviors" from the your old ones as a role model on a family show. The "old" you tried to figure out how to be a teenager and make the right choices. The new you sells empty promises of misusing your sexuality and outrageous behavior that will translate as being "cool". When all those 10-14 years old females start mimicking your "evolved" self and get themselves into trouble because they don't understand the consequences of dressing like that or "twerking" on the wrong person, you don't have to feel bad because really you are just an "image" right?

I also know, as a parent, it is my responsibility to not let my children look at stars in Hollywood and believe they should act like them or put them on pedestals. But to be honest Miley, I am a little sad to have to tell my daughter that the girl whose posters hang in her room and CDs she has collected over the years is no more. I am trying to help her understand that she is not allowed to buy this new artist's music or watch anything that you create now because it's not appropriate for her anymore. I am not mad, I know Hannah Montana had to grow up sometime. I just wish she didn't have to change so drastic that now she is almost unrecognizable and someone who I definitely don't want my kids to look up to.

From a Kind of Sad Mom....


Thursday, December 12, 2013

Christmas Crazy!

This time of year can get pretty hectic with all the parties, kid’s concerts, present buying, decorating, baking, cooking, Elf on the shelf, Santa, advent, and all the other stuff that goes on with the Christmas season. It’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of activities to try to build memories for our families. We have the best intentions…really. According to the Facebook posts there are women out there they do it all, effortlessly?

But the stress of “doing it all” is just that stressful! Pile that on with heaps of guilt for snapping at our kids, getting frustrated at our husbands for not helping enough, and the exhaustion from cramming everything into our tight schedules and the joy of Christmas becomes replaced with the “franticness” of the getter dun mentality. “I will rest after December 25th.” Cause getting ready for New Year’s Eve/Day, taking down decorations, and starting our resolutions doesn’t consume any time right?

On the way to school today God spoke to my heart, “Kimberley, remember, It’s not what you do, it is who you are! Your family will remember the gifts of hugs, kisses, love, and time spent together. All that other stuff is not bad but it is certainly not necessary for your kids to experience the real meaning of Christmas. They are watching who you are more than all the great things you do for them.”

The birth of Jesus is the reminder of the hope and future we have because of Him. Joy to the world the Lord has come!

“Don’t be afraid!” he said. “I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people. The Savior—yes, the Messiah, the Lord—has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David! And you will recognize him by this sign: You will find a baby wrapped snugly in strips of cloth, lying in a manger.” Suddenly, the angel was joined by a vast host of others—the armies of heaven—praising God and saying, “Glory to God in highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased.” Luke 2:10-14

Monday, November 25, 2013

Stain Remover

My husband had this lime green shirt that looked great on him! The other day, I took it out of the dryer and it had stains all over it. He had forgotten to take out his chapstick from his jeans and I didn't check his pockets. So when I dried the clothes the chapstick had melted all over the whole load! I was beyond bummed!

I was determined to try to do anything I could to get these stains out! But no matter what I tried; Spray and Wash, soaking, rewashing, the oils had seeped in and they were just not coming off. As I looked down at the now ruined shirt, I paused. This reminds me of when I first became a Christian. There were a couple of things that I did not think even God could forgive me, some "stains" in my past that no matter what I did; get baptized, volunteer, cook for the homeless, go to church, teach bible study, give money..certain stains were just not going to come out. They were permanent, soaked into my soul, so deeply ingrained into the fabric of my past that no amount of effort in trying to remove them would be successful. I always felt like I was and would always be irreversibly stained. 

Until I came across this verse. 

"In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that he lavished on us." 
Ephesians 1:7-8. 

I was floored; these words came off the page and pierced my heart! You see, the word redemption means atonement, deliverance, rescued, repurchased! 

'Kimberley, understand this my daughter. The sacrifice of my son, removed those "stains". There is NOTHING in your past that is not covered by the blood of my son. Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them as white as snow. (Isaiah 1:18). You are set free, forgiven and not just a little, but abundantly! My grace is extravagantly and generously poured out onto you! I purchased those sins....all of them!" 

"...and the blood of Jesus, his Son, cleanses us from all sin." 1 John 1:7 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Facebook and Bikinis

I enjoy Facebook. It is cool to find friends that I haven’t seen in 30 years and family that live across the country. I like to keep in touch with people that I can’t get together with on a regular basis. It is fun to watch the kids grow up, babies being born, weddings, and other milestones in people's lives.

But like with anything, it is important to keep this in perspective. Facebook gives a snapshot but it doesn't give you the story behind the pictures or the true meaning behind the posts. At its best it is very surface level…it’s like a bikini. Bikinis reveal a lot but it’s what they hide or cover up that’s important.

In a recent report, it said that people are getting more and more depressed by going onto Facebook. We are constantly comparing our lives to what we see online and we feel we are falling short. Discontent settles in, fear of missing out, wanting what other people have, and thinking everybody else has much more interesting lives than us.

It stinks when you haven’t gone a vacation in years and there are pictures of all these cool places posted. It’s hard to see your friend on the beach in Mexico when you are sitting at your desk in the office. It’s easy to envy the woman who runs marathons, cooks incredible meals, and homeschools her kids all before noon! Click on the celebrities’ pages and you have the all the seemingly glamorous and unobtainable stuff we desire.

But in reality, we have no idea what is really going on. We don’t have a clue if that mom is trying to keep it all together by being busy because her marriage is falling apart. We don’t know if that trip to Mexico put your friend one more step towards bankruptcy. How many celebrities do you know who are really happy even with all that money?

So while I enjoy my Facebook I constantly stand guard to make sure I don’t fall into the comparison trap. “In all this comparing and grading and competing, they quite miss the point.” (2 Corinthians 10:12b Msg) What’s the point? Being thankful and content. Giving God the glory for everything in your life.

“I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:11-13

Monday, November 4, 2013

God Block

In October, I did not write any blogs. Zero. Nada. Nothing. In two years of blogging I have posted at least 2 per month sometimes up to 15. What happened? Sure I have been busy but no more than normal. Every time my fingers hit the keyboard I felt blah. Yep, blah! I thought an idea was there and I would sit down at my computer but nothing would come out. Usually when I write my heart beats fast. I get very excited, often I cry. The words just seem to flow and I can barely keep up the typing with all my thoughts. The longer the month dragged on the worse I felt. I tried to squeeze one out by the 31st so that box wouldn't be empty-no go! God where are you?
Writing is one way I communicate with Him. I know writing is a gift given to me by my Heavenly Father. My blogs are an expression of my heart…..which I gave to Him a long time ago. Why all of a sudden is this blocked? Am I holding on to something I shouldn't be? Anger? Bitterness? Unforgiveness? Hidden sin? Have I been thankful? Praised Him? Are my motives off? Is this about teaching me humility? Have I connected with Him in other ways? Prayer? Worship? With my actions? In my relationships? When I struggle to feel His presence I must answer these questions.

“Come and listen, all you who fear God, and I will tell you what he did for me. For I cried out to him for help, praising him as I spoke. If I had not confessed the sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened. But God did listen! He paid attention to my prayer. Praise God, who did not ignore my prayer or withdraw his unfailing love from me.” Psalm 66:16-20
God is always there, always faithful, His love never fails. But sometimes I get in the way and block the communication. If I am honest with myself, it is easier to blame Him then to deal with my own junk. This weekend, I got real with the One who knows my heart and today my words started flowing!!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Sticks and Stones!

Words Hurt

"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me."

Whoever came up with this silly saying obviously has not been devastated or destroyed by somebody spewing hurtful words at them. Personally, words are very powerful to me. They can express the deepest feelings of love and joy or they can tear down when they are said with hatred and ugliness. I can CLEARLY recall names I have been called, actions I have been falsely accused of, and attacks on my integrity, character and family. I also can remember some of the nasty things I have said, words I wish I could take back.

I heard a song on the radio the other day called Words the lyrics pierced my heart because they rang so true...

                                        Words can build you up
                                       Words can break you down
                                       Start a fire in your heart or
                                                Put it out

                                         Let my words be life
                                        Let my words be truth
                                     I don't wanna say a word
                               Unless it points the world back to You"

In Proverbs it says that the "tongue can bring death or life". Life or death..which comes out of our mouths more? I don't think there is much middle ground. If we were truly to take a look at what we say through out the day where do we fall? I for one CONSTANTLY have to pray over my words!!! My foot is a continual fixture in my mouth!

"Dear Jesus, guard my heart so that what comes out of my mouth brings life, speaks truth, encourages, and is loving. Help me fight against foolish talk, gossip, slander, and foul language. I want to build people up not tear them down! Help me to reflect you well by what I say so I can point everyone back to you!"

"Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them." Ephesians 4:29


Monday, September 23, 2013


A sorry doesn't mean as much when it is followed by a but...the but word some how takes away from the apology. "I'm sorry but I am really tired after work." "I'm sorry but you just made me so mad." "I'm sorry but I had a bad day." It gives the person a way out, a reason to not really be responsible. 

Often times we use this word in our relationship with Jesus, intentionally or unspoken.  "I will follow Jesus BUT I am not willing to commit too much. I love Jesus BUT I'm not willing to give up "fill in the blank".  I would share Jesus with others BUT I am too shy. I will go to church once a week BUT I'm too busy the other days to fit Him into my schedule." But, But, But.....

We feel better because at least we do something or follow part of the time or love mostly. We can still check off the boxes right? It's better than nothing? "But" is such a tiny word how much does it really matter?

Jesus replied, “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind." Matthew 22:37

The "buts" stop us from giving our all. The "buts" give us the excuse to only meet Him halfway, to put up walls that cause barriers in our relationship with Him. We hold on so tight to parts of our lives in the end we lose because we miss the power of the Gospel!

"If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it." Matthew 16:24-25

So, how do you get rid of the "buts"? The answer is the cross. When we truly understand and rejoice in the work of Jesus on the cross we are not motivated by guilt or shame or have to. He said, "It is finished" and that's were our lives truly begin, standing in His grace and mercy and ultimate sacrifice. He doesn't need us to do anything, but because of the cross we should WANT to!

"Dear God, help me to know and see the "buts" in my life that are keeping me from loving you with all my heart, all my mind and all my soul. I don't want to hold anything back from you. It is hard, to give certain things up. Give me the wisdom to see the beauty of the cross and the courage to respond to it."

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Weak Moments

In Your Weakest Moment You’ll Experience the Benefits of Being His
by Sheri Rose Shepherd
"The righteous may fall seven times, But they will get up again."
— Proverbs 24:16

One of the greatest battles we fight every day is the one in our mind. Our flesh tells us to “Quit trying to live for God...We will never be good enough.
That is a lie.
Too many times we allow our failures to define us. So let me take the pressure off you. No man or woman in the Bible or in history, no believer who did something great to further God’s kingdom, lived a perfect life. Each hero of the faith loved the Lord, and despite their failures, never quit. What they did do is answer His call on their lives despite their failures, difficult circumstances, and people who hurt them or discouraged them
Our Loving Lord is for us and no matter how many times we fall, He is there to pick us back up as many times as it takes until He comes to take us Home. Don’t let anyone ever tell you that God cannot redeem what you have done. Just ask your heavenly Father to help you get up and let Him handle whoever and whatever is keeping you down—and you’ll win!

His Love Letter to You
My Beloved Child,
I want you to experience the benefits and blessings of being mine. I want you to know the power of grace that only I can give you. You won’t discover who I really am in your own strength. You can conquer and accomplish much on your own but you will never know the joy of everlasting work until you have been weak. It is in your weakest moment that my strength will become your strength and that my Holy Spirit that lives inside of you will rise up and you will know that I am with you always. If you will embrace your weaknesses and grabbed hold of all I am you will become all you desire to be. Now is the time to let me do great things in you and through you!
Your Strong and Mighty God

“My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness. So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.”— 2 Corinthians 12:9

For more from Sherri Rose Shepherd, visit Bible Life Coaching or check out Sheri's new book If You Have a Craving, I Have a Cure:

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Call Back!

Someone just gave me the book Jesus Calling to read. Although I will admit I was in a bad mood when I started the first page... I struggled to get into it! One thought kept going through my head, "Jesus is Calling BUT.... I Don't Want To Answer the Phone!" I couldn't even focus on the words as I argued with myself and God. "What if I am tired of Him calling? What if I don't want to answer? Maybe I just want to be left alone? How about you call back another day!" I know this sounds ridiculous but I couldn't stop myself from throwing a mini tantrum. 

Like most toddlers, I finally wore myself out. And Jesus called. 

"Kimberley, are you done? If not I will wait. Remember that I love you and the promises I made to you 20 years ago. Your journey with me will sometimes be very difficult. There are going to be many times you will grow weary. I never promised you a rose garden or dreams full of fluff. But I will never leave or forsake you. I will always love you and be your refuge in the storms."

But God, I am so tired sometimes of dealing with all "this"!

"Kimberley, you promised to obey and you were called for such a time as this! Do you remember what life was like without me? Did you forget where I found you? Run into my arms to find rest and give me your burdens to carry. Lean on me, I will hold you up when you can't take another step. I will carry you when you can't move forward. But when I call, don't block me out."

Jesus IS calling! I'm going pick up the phone because I want to talk to Him! He will wait and continue to pursue me even when I put my fingers in my ears to tune Him out. Why? His love for us is relentless! He will never give up!

"Let all that I am praise the Lordwith my whole heart, I will praise his holy name. Let all that I am praise the Lordmay I never forget the good things he does for me." Psalm 103:1-2

Monday, September 16, 2013


Have you ever went to a restaurant and got excited to order food thinking it was going to be great and when it came out you were disappointed because it really didn't taste the way you thought it would? The picture looked so appeasing, the description was enticing and made your mouth water, and then it was blah! I get so frustrated when this happens to me, especially if it was an expensive meal. That makes it soooo much worse! I have wasted my time, my energy, and my money on something that just didn't meet my expectations or maybe even was a bit falsely advertised.

When I look over most of what the world has to offer, I suggest that the majority of the "things" we desire are a "bill of goods", surrounded by lots of false advertising, and empty promises about how said things will make our lives better when actually they are mostly just distractions. We keep searching for the next best "thing" to fill our void, our all consuming need to finally get "it", whatever "it" is...

But we were not created to "acquire" things, to store up treasures here on earth. When we come face to face with God he is not going to ask which tax bracket you are in, what car you drove, or how many activities your kids were in. He is not going to look at your beautiful front yard, awesome creative scrapbooks (gulp), or rare coin collection. He will ask, "Kimberley, did you love others well because of the sacrifice of my son?"

Yes, I too get tempted and often fall into the "I need this ____!" The pull of the world is strong. The distractions of the enemy are many but then I remember the "taste" of feasting on God's word, the joy when singing His praises, the tears shed when I see people loving others well, the awe of seeing the Holy Spirit unleashed in someone's life, the overwhelming kindness when people pitch in to serve one another. Nothing can take the place of God's mercy, grace, goodness, and love. God doesn't make false promises. He is the "IT" we are searching for! 

"Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect." Romans 12:2 NLT

Friday, September 13, 2013

This Ain't Burger King!

A few years ago Burger King had an ad out that stated, "Have it your way, right away!" While this is good for a fast food restaurant trying to attract customers and compete with other chains this shouldn't be our attitude about church. Too often I hear people complaining about what they don't like about church. I am not talking about the deeper issues like doctrine or core beliefs; I am talking about the non-essentials like the music being too loud or the preacher not giving the best sermon ever. One of the sayings that irritate me the most is, "Well I am just not being fed." 

Where did Christians get the idea that the only reason they go to church is to get fed? This ain't Burger King! You don't get to drive up to a church and expect it to meet all your needs exactly the way you want it. God did not make us helpless and passive. We are not called to sit back and let the church serve us in just the "right" way and grumble, loudly when it doesn't. We are not supposed to "shop" churches until we feel "comfortable". Comfort was never the plan! Sometimes God has you in a specific place, for a specific reason, to do a specific task for Him. 

This doesn't mean we shouldn't using wisdom and discernment in choosing a church. But let's consider for a moment that maybe its not about us. Maybe if we have been Christians for awhile we shouldn't be searching for "our way" but His purpose. Maybe God wants you at a specific church because He has someone for you to journey with, a ministry to serve, or a lesson to learn. Maybe we will bring GLORY to our creator when stop focusing on the give me, serve me, my way... but instead stop our complaining and say, "God use me YOUR WAY, ANY WAY, I am yours."

"These people are grumblers and complainers, living only to satisfy their desires. They brag loudly about themselves, and they flatter others to get what they want." Jude 1:16

"Their responsibility (pastors, elders) is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ. This will continue until we all come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of God’s Son that we will be mature in the Lord, measuring up to the full and complete standard of Christ." Ephesians 4:12-13

Thursday, August 15, 2013


Yesterday I wrote about the reasons we might become stuck in our spiritual walk or our relationship with God; We don't trust God, Our Past, Our Feelings, and/or Our Sin can all keep us from moving forward.
So the next question is, "How do we unstick?"

1. Get to know God and trust him more.
You have to know who God is, what is the truth, and his character. The enemy is the master deceiver and he wants to get you all messed up and confused about your relationship with God. He constantly mocks you and tries to get you to believe lies. The enemy loves to stir the pot and convince you that God is a killjoy or worse not to be counted on. You have to ground yourself in God’s promises and trust him to be who he says he is.
He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end; he is the King of Kings, who created the heavens and the earth. His love is so complete and powerful he put his son on the cross to die for our sins. He promises to never leave or forsake us and that he knows our name! Our faith, our steadfastness, and our trust in Him help us not be so easily swayed or deceived.

Then you have to really, not kind-of-sort-of, trust him!
  • trust him to show up
  • to keep his promises
  • give you the strength when you feel like you can’t go on
  • trust in his grace and mercy
  • trust he has a plan for your life
  • trust that you will have consequences if you go against him
You have to trust him and his word to become unstuck, to move closer to him. If you put your trust in anything else it will always return void.
2. Choose to take the next steps. “Knowing God’s word doesn't cause me to grow. But doing it does.” (Donna Jones)

"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.” Philippians 4:8-9

PUT IT INTO PRACTICE. DO IT. APPLY IT. THINK about things that are pure, lovely, admirable, praiseworthy, and true.  Get your mind on those things in the world not all the other garbage we fill our heads with. You can know God’s word inside and out, be a theologian that can argue with the best of them, but if you don't apply anything you know, hear, or learn you will remain stuck!
I can get a master's degree in exercise and nutrition and have my shelves lined with how to get healthy books. But if I never go to the gym or stop eating cookies all the knowledge in the world is not going to help me get healthy. It’s the same with God’s word. You can know it and stay the same, but you have to do it and apply it to change.

But the other part is progress. Progress means movement towards something. You have to take the next step. Might be a baby step, it might only be a shuffle but the cross, the sacrifice of the cross, DEMANDS a response!!! Maybe it is time to do more than just show up for church, sing a few songs, nod your head at a few things said from the stage and walk out of church really NO different. Maybe it’s time to stop making excuses. God doesn't want our excuses he wants our heart!

Maybe it’s time to take your foot off the brakes, and say, “I am ready to move forward. Take the next step!”

What is the Next Step?
  • Maybe find one verse in the Bible you claim as yours and memorize it. One of mine is Ephesians 1:7-8 In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that he lavished on us.”
When I first became a Christian and my past kept trying to keep me chained this verse got me through. It told me God bought me with the blood of his son, forgave me of my sins because he is full of grace and mercy which he poured out onto me!
  • Have a tough conversation with someone you have been putting off
  • Get the courage to share Jesus with that person he has put in your life no matter how awkward or uncomfortable.
  • Stop isolating. Get connected to a community. Join a small group. Go on a mission trip. Join a team and volunteer. You can’t unstick yourself.  You need help, people alongside you on this journey.
  • Maybe God wants you to confess a sin and get help to stop it. Stop sleeping with the person you are not married to, stop gossiping behind other people’s backs, stop bad mouthing the church when things don't go your way, control your temper, stop pursuing the love of money or material things.
  • Maybe he wants you to break you free from an addiction of porn, drugs, alcohol, buying…. whatever it is SIN WILL KEEP YOU STUCK!
  • Maybe it is surrendering your finances and being more generous.
  • Look at how you are spending your time, what are you thinking about and focusing on most of the time? Is it stuff that has no eternal value?
  • Go to counseling and really deal with some of that baggage you have been carrying around that it just too heavy.
  • It could be as simple as a prayer or a conversation that you need to begin with God.
Ask yourself: Am I willing to do what is necessary to become unstuck? Will I get to the end of my life and be okay with where I am at right now?
Let me tell you about some people here at Elements City Church that are choosing to take the next steps to move closer to God. I want to share these stories because they are some of my heroes. They are choosing that no matter how crappy their past was, how awful they have acted, how unfair life has been to them, they are choosing to take the next steps, some of them drastic steps toward Jesus.

There is a guy that grew up on the streets of Philadelphia to teenage parents who couldn't overcome their drug addictions and never really parented him. He saw a verse on our whiteboard at home and asked a few questions. His next steps: he went to church the next day, got baptized, starting going to counseling, and comes every Sunday night without really knowing anybody but us.

A young female who sat across the table from me at coffee and said, “Kimberley, I am not a good person. I don't like who I am and if you look at my past it is awful and I am so ashamed. But I want to change!”  This girl is beautiful, smart, and successful and could get by on life just because of this. But she made the step to talk to someone. She is being open and honest about the sin in her life, she is trusting wise counsel on how to deal with it, and she joined a bible study. She also chose to stop drinking not because she thinks it’s wrong but because she looked at her past and figured out that most of her bad decisions came when she was drinking so it wasn't worth it.

A single mom with 5 kids who took the steps to protect her kids by having the courage to get them all out of an unsafe situation. She is scared and fearful about going at it alone, with very little resources, but taking the next steps to give her children a different life!

Or the mom who had a baby as a teenager and just got baptized 15 years later because she has recommitted her life to Jesus and wants something different for her family. She is not letting her past stop her from becoming part of leadership here at Elements. She knows she has been redeemed. Her next step was saying yes to be a team leader. Her past will not keep her chained.

Another young man who left a very strict religious home to find the Jesus of the bible not the Jesus used for control. His step out was filled with fear and anxiety but he knew he had to move. He found a church and community who could show him the love and compassion of Jesus.

One 20 year old female took a next step when she decided that Facebook was causing her too much of a distraction so she disabled her account, so she can spend more time listening to podcasts and worship music.

What is so different about these people? They are moving towards Jesus no matter what they have been through. They are ordinary people showing up and taking the next step.

Now I can almost hear some of your thoughts from here, “I can’t do this! It’s too hard. I am not disciplined enough. I am too young, too old. I am scared. I’m too hurt. You don't know what I have done. I am not ready. I will wait until I am older or get myself together more…..

And I say to you, The resurrected son of God lives inside us. The cross is ENOUGH! You can't stay the same and follow Jesus.  He said come follow me. He is going somewhere. Jesus never meant for us stand still and be stagnant.

“Being a Christian is about surrendering to Jesus and then submitting to him on a daily basis one step at a time and KNOWING that he is going to make us into who we need to be.” Perry Noble 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


When I was eight years old my parents took me on a scary carnival ride. It had one long steel pole with cages at each end that rotated around and around as the pole swung us through the air. All of a sudden, as we were at the highest rotation point, the ride lurched to a halt and we stopped. Hanging upside down, squished between my parents, I thought I was going to die. We were stuck!

Have you ever been stuck? Stuck in traffic? Stuck in a line? In an elevator? At a family or work event? Have you ever had gum stuck on your shoe or in your hair? What feelings come with being stuck? Anger, frustration, exhaustion, fear, bitterness towards others, maybe even loss of hope, or wanting to just give up?

The definition of stuck: unable to move forward, trapped, unable to set oneself free.

It happens to us in our spiritual walk too. It doesn’t matter where you are with your relationship with God, whether you are a brand new Christian, not a Christian at all, or you have been walking with God for years. We all get stuck!

Why do we get stuck?

1. We Don’t Trust God
  • We don’t believe He is who He says He
  • that He is going to show up
  • that He is listening
  • That He will keep his promises or his word. 
  • that HE created us for a purpose and has a plan for our lives
  • We don't believe He tries to protect us by telling us not to do certain things. 
  • how much He loves us
  • that we are his precious children who He relentlessly pursues no matter what we have done
  • We don't believe God won’t quit on us.
How can we mature in Christ if we don't trust God is who he says He is and will do what He promises? We will remain stuck.

2. Our Past

It’s a powerful thing that can get us trapped, entrenched. The wounds are deep binding us in chains. The hurt, the shame, the bitterness, the anger all goes down to our soul. But you cannot become unstuck if you don't free yourselves from your past.

I know some of you are thinking, “You have no idea what I have been through or what I have done!” You are right I don't. I know that some of you have been abused, misused, violated or you some of you have done those things to others. Many of you have secrets that you think are so ugly that you can never truly get over them.

BUT Your past does not define you. THE CROSS DOES!

Your identity is not found in your past. Satan uses our past to defeat us because we focus so much on his lies that we don't believe we can ever get over our past.

“If you don’t let your past die, then it wont let you live.” Perry Noble

You will always remain trapped. Are you going to live in self-pity or triumph? Are you going to remain a victim or are you going to claim the victory of the cross? 
Don't get stuck in your past so you can’t claim the future God has for you!

3. Our Feelings

Sometimes we are stuck because of our feelings. Anger, bitterness, selfishness, or maybe we are disillusioned. We don't feel close to God, we don't feel joyful, we are angry because someone in the church has disappointed us, so we don’t feel like going to church. We don't feel called to volunteer. We don't feel like forgiving. Our feelings can get in the way of moving forward. We focus so much on how we feel and our emotions. Let's be honest here, feelings can’t always be trusted. They can be all over the place, up and down like a roller coaster. Do you tell your teenagers to trust all their thinking when they are going through those years? No way. Teenage filters can be way off. Think of girls who one minute they are BFFs forever and the next minute they are done. Sometimes we have to look past our feelings, look at the bigger picture. Look at God’s viewpoint rather than through our filters.

As we mature in following Christ we begin to believe what God’s word says over the way we feel.” Perry Noble

God’s word is true and trustworthy. Our feelings and emotions can sometimes be cloudy and confused.

4. Our Sin- Sin is anything that breaks the relationship between you and God.

“It's impossible to experience spiritual maturity while hanging on to an area of sin in our lives. Sometimes when we don’t want to give up our sin so we try to immerse ourselves in some sort of Christian activity believing that maybe we will appease God and he won’t notice this other little sin part over here. Just like if you go to McDonalds and order a big mac, large fries, an apple pie and a diet coke. The diet coke doesn't cancel out all the other garbage you just bought.” (Paraphrased from Perry Noble) The same with sin.

The consequence of sin is separation from God. When you don't deal with the sin in your life it moves you farther and farther away from Him. Often you start becoming pretty comfortable with sin as your sidekick that your life is no different than the worlds. Sin will keep you stuck. It will stop you from moving forward. It will stop you from maturing in your spiritual walk.

If I were to ask many of you where are you right now with your walk with Jesus or this season in your life, many would say, “I’m stuck. I don’t feel like I am making any progress. Or I feel like I am backsliding. I am discouraged because I keep doing the same things over and over again. Or some of you may be near the breaking point, I am quitting this is too hard I don’t see enough change.”

Stop and ask yourself; Am I letting my feelings rule my thoughts? Not trusting the one who created me? Playing the tapes of my past over and over?  Making choices that will keep me in destructive patterns? The One that lives in You is GREATER than all of these things!

"But thank God! He gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ. So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless." 1 Corinthians 15:57-58

Tomorrow: How to Get Unstuck

Monday, August 12, 2013

Having An Affair?

When I talk about my husband, Bryan I usually gush. My eyes light up, and sometimes even fill with tears. I become very animated and excited to tell others about how awesome he is to me. I really like being introduced as his wife because I am so proud of who he is not because of his job or looks but because of how he treats others. When he walks into a room I still get butterflies in my stomach, take a deep breath and thank God he is mine! I know people get tired of hearing about him but I can't help be passionate about someone I love so much!!! 

I wonder if my relationship with God is like that? Do I gush about God? Do I get excited and enthusiastic to tell everyone about how God picked me up from the depths of despair and gave me a new life? Do I share how His love goes so deep and so wide that he sacrificed his son on the cross? Am I proud to be called the daughter of The King and show him this by how I live my life? Am I as exuberant about my relationship with Jesus as I am about the new shoes or purse I just bought? Or the marathon I am training for? Or the job I do to become more successful? Or the new kitchen that was just installed in my house? Or maybe even my children? I am by no means saying any of these things are bad but are they taking the place in my heart where Jesus should be? 

One pastor put it this way, "If you were cheating on your spouse, having an affair, you probably are not very passionate when describing them. Obviously something is wrong in the marriage relationship. So look at your relationship with Jesus. If you are not passionate and excited about Him what are you having an affair with that is keeping you from this?" WHOA!

"God, I don't want to be having an "affair" with anything that stands in the way of my relationship with you. Forgive me for filling up my heart with other things or people before you. I want my passion for you to shine through my actions and words. Give me a consuming fire to share who you are and what you have done for me with everyone you put in my path." 

Bryan loves me well but God loves me perfectly!

"My tongue will proclaim your righteousness, your praises all day long." Psalm 35:28

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Mirror, Mirror

"Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who is the fairest of them all?"

When my daughter was young, we had just finished watching Snow White when she looked up at me and said, "Mommy, am I the fairest of them all?" I knelt down and looked her straight in the eyes, "Lakin, never compare yourself to others. God made you just the way you are."

But to be honest, most of us grow up and all along the way we look in the mirror and compare ourselves to everybody else; our family, friends, movie stars, pro athletes, models in magazines, the girl next door, the guy in the other cubicle, it doesn't matter who. We constantly look at what we have better than others or where we are sorely lacking. I am too fat, too thin, my nose is too big, too flat, too bumpy, my ears are pointy, small, big, my eyes are close together or too far apart, my hair is too straight, curly, kinky, wavy, I am too tall, too short. I can't sing, dance, play ball, I am not smart enough, I am too smart, I am not funny...blah, blah, blah. Nothing is sacred when looking in the mirror.

We more than not don't like what we see. Sometimes it's the face staring back that doesn't hold the beauty the world covets. Sometimes it's our choices that make us not like who we have become. And sometimes it's our character that just doesn't measure up to whatever we are holding it next to.

While it is a good idea to pause, take stock of your life, and see if you are becoming the person you want to be.... let's PUT DOWN THE MIRROR! Comparing either elevates us with arrogance or brings our self-esteem down to the ground. Neither is healthy or helpful. We spend so much time focusing on what's in the mirror and striving to be "the fairest of them all" we miss out on so many other blessings in our lives that God has for us.

Whenever you feel the temptation to pick up that mirror and start the comparison game, remember it is a trap! When you take your eyes off the one who created you and his plan for your life, you become more and more self-centered as you spend more and more time on being "the best or the better then..."

Our identity can't be found "in the mirror" and it definitely can't be found in Hollywood, on a college campus, in the arms of a person, on stage, on the court or the field, in a job, or even in our family. Our identity is found in God. He knitted us together in our mother's womb. He counted the hairs on our head. He made us in his image. He adopted us as his sons and daughters. He made us his masterpiece. 

I can picture God kneeling in front of us and looking straight into our eyes, down to the depths of our souls and saying, "My precious child, you were fearfully and wonderfully made. I did not make a mistake. No matter what you see in that mirror, always remember that I love you enough to sacrifice my son for you. You are mine!"

"For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago." Ephesians 2:10 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Summer Time Kimberley

It's Summer time and as a teacher I morph into a whole new person. Since I have the next two months off there isn't a set schedule, alarm clocks are turned off, calendar is open, and I can get all the stuff done that I put off during the school year because I was so busy. My list includes; clean out closets, organize the office, use my cookbooks more, catch up on laundry (as if), scrapbook, decorate the back porch, landscape front yard, finish sewing project, get new mail box, read two books a week....just to name a few things. 

The other morning as I was lying in bed debating if I even needed to get up, I thought, "Kimberley, don't forget what is important. It is okay to relax and unwind from the school year but your relationship with God should not take time off. Because it is all too easy to take a vacation from Him too."

So when making my summer To-Do-Lists and checking off boxes of tasks completed, I have been trying to make sure I spend time with the PEOPLE God has placed in my life. I also want to focus on my relationship with the one who created me. Because at the end of the day, it's not really about how great your house looks, how well read you are, how efficient you plan your life...it's about how you love! Love is the only thing that lasts after you're gone. Keep this in mind summer Kimberley :)

"So if you’re serious about living this new resurrection life with Christ, act like it. Pursue the things over which Christ presides. Don’t shuffle along, eyes to the ground, absorbed with the things right in front of you. Look up, and be alert to what is going on around Christ—that’s where the action is. See things from his perspective." Colossians 3:1-2 
 (The Message)

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


I grew up holding tight to my secrets. I was terrified that anyone would find out about my dad's drinking or my parent's fighting or my sister's rebellious choices. I just wanted to be normal with the type of family you saw on TV (the Cosbys) or from the neighbors down the street. (Beaver Cleaver) Anytime someone asked, "How are you doing?" I pasted a smile on my face, closed off the emotions in my eyes and always replied, "Fine. I'm doing fine." It didn't matter that I was screaming inside, "No, I am not fine. I am scared. I am tired. I don't know what is going to happen tomorrow." I knew most people really didn't want to know what was going on with my personal life. It was easier for them to believe everything was peachy because otherwise they might have to get involved. I usually got the feeling that was the last thing anyone wanted to do. Too messy. Too real. Too awkward. Too much trouble. So I got really good with hiding my secrets. I used humor to cover up the pain and the laughter of others fueled my desire to just "fit" in.

In high school I was voted class clown. The funny girl was always happy she definitely could have any problems. Right? I graduated at the top of my class and got college scholarships thinking that if I was successful people would never guess that I came from dysfunction. I had friends who knew me for years but had no clue what went on inside my home. I kept people at arm's length, afraid for them to get too close. The guilt, the shame, the facade, the superficial.... It was exhausting!

When I met Jesus at 23 one of the things He offered was refuge. "Kimberley, come rest in me. I know you are weary and worn out. The burdens you bear have weighed you down for too long. I will pick them up and carry them for you. Find comfort that you are mine and I will give you refuge from the storms."

But God, I am ashamed. There are so many secrets, so much has happened. Many bad choices. A lot of ugly. I am scared people will find out, especially church people. They would never be able to handle my truth. I just don't think I can ever walk through this.

"Kimberley. You are the daughter of a mighty king. Bought with the blood of my son. Redeemed through my grace and mercy. People will judge, they will throw it back in your face, they will walk away, and you will make them feel uncomfortable with the truth. Let your secrets go, let my LOVE shine in, share your story and the REST is up to me. I will give you everything you need to face this with courage because you are not defined by your past, your present is not built in shame, and your future holds no guilt. Your identity is IN me. Never forget you are MINE!

"Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.” Matthew 11-28-30