Monday, October 6, 2014

What On Earth Am I Here For?

I have just finished my third time through the Bible study, "What on Earth Am I Here For?" by Rick Warren. For those of you who know me, I rarely EVER re-watch a movie (maybe Top Gun..don't judge me), reread a book (only parts of the Bible), or re-do anything! I am way too impatient and have so many other things I want to accomplish. So that I have been through this study 3 times is pretty amazing. What's so different about it? 

At first, it seems like Christianity 101. I should know all this right? I am a pastor's wife and have followed Jesus for over 20 years. But what struck me the most is the all the "A-HA” moments I had. Something just clicked! Pastor Warren answers foundational questions as to why we even exist. Because to be honest, there have been times in my life where I have wondered why God even bothered creating us. I have questioned why He didn't do a better job with humans because we can be really, really awful. I have sat on my bed and screamed, "What do you want from me? Really?" 

I re-learned that I was created by God for his purpose, so HE could love ME! I was planned for God's pleasure (worship), formed for God's family (fellowship), created to become like Christ (discipleship), shaped for serving God (ministry) and I was made for a mission (evangelism). 

Until we understand that we were made by God for His purposes, life will never make sense. And a life without purpose is a life without meaning. True significance is not about prestige, power, pleasure, or possessions. It’s about KNOWING the one who created us. 

If you live to be 70 years old, you will live 25,550 days. Don't you think its worth to find out what you are supposed to do with them, instead of getting to the end and realizing you might have wasted most of those days on many things that do not matter for eternity?

"For everything, absolutely everything, above and below, visible and invisible...everything got started in Him and finds its purpose in Him." Colossians 1:16 (MSG)


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