Thursday, January 12, 2017

Sweet Sixteen


Today is my daughter's birthday. She turned 16! As a writer, or at least someone who uses words to communicate, I am speechless! It is more than the feelings of, "Where did the time go? How did this happen so fast? I can't believe she will drive!" It's actually EPIC, exciting, terrifying, bittersweet, and overwhelming all wrapped together......

"Dear Lakin,
You took my breath away the first time I ever saw you. When they put you on my chest, I looked down into your big brown eyes and felt you glanced into my soul! It was like you reached inside and touched my heart with a jolt of electricity! It was almost a challenge, a huge wake up call, "Hey Mom, I am finally here. What are you going to do with me now?" I knew, right then, that I would spend the rest of my life being your champion! Loving you with all my heart until I take my last breath.
These last 16 years watching you grow up have been one of the biggest blessings of my life. I could not ask for another kind of daughter to help make me in to a better person, to deepen my faith, and to call me mom!
I know being a teenager isn't always easy. Kids are mean. Boys are stupid. Nothing seems to make sense. Emotions are at an all-time high. Finding your place in this world can be awkward and hard. But there are a few things I want you to ALWAYS remember as you are beginning to make this transition into adulthood.

You are LOVED! Even if you are mad at us, don't agree with our decisions or think we don't know anything, your dad and I would die for you in a second! Team Lee for life! (Even when you change you name after you get married)

JUST BE YOU! Don't conform to what the world wants or expects. You do you and no one else's idea of what you should be like. You choose your journey. You pave your own path. You are strong, courageous, and have it in you to move mountains and accomplish your dreams! Never quit! Don't ever try to have it all together or be perfect, that is so unattainable and overrated :) Just be you!

OWN IT! Own your life. Never push it off on someone else. If you make a mistake, apologize. If you feel strongly about something, say it! If you want to do things differently, DO IT! If you fall down or stumble, get up and try again! Character and integrity count, don't let anyone try to talk you into something else. No matter their job title or position they hold.

Your IDENTITY is in Christ! Not in this world or what people say about you. Not in a boy if he likes you or not. Not in a job or how much money you make. Or what kind of car you drive or house you live in. Don't believe the lies, focus on the truths. No matter how loud all the noise is.

Community Matters! Stay connected to God, your family, and your community. When the storms of life come and try to knock you around or even drown you, all three will be your life lines. Who you surround yourself with will determine so much.

Lakin, I am in AWE of the woman you are becoming and the amazing person you are right now! I will treasure all our "talks" and car rides to school. I will be your loudest cheerleader and your biggest fan. (No matter if you get embarrassed :) I am blessed beyond measure to be your mom and hope I have lived up to the challenge you threw out that first day, "I am here and what are you going to do with me?" LOVE YOU FIERCELY that's what I will do!

Happy Sweet 16!


Unknown said...

What a sweet and heartfelt post. Happy Sweet 16th birthday to your beautiful daughter!!

Kimberley said...

Thank you Norma!!

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