Thursday, March 19, 2015

Can You See the Beauty?

The waves crashing on to the beach overlooking a massive ocean that seems to go on forever, the majestic mountains in Colorado with snowy peaks touching the clouds, the lakes that shimmer like glass in their stillness, a field of flowers blossoming with all the colors of the rainbow turning their faces towards the sun; nature's wonders can be amazing and awe inspiring! Certain views can actually take our breath away; fill us with a sense of peace, rest, and even a profound sense of knowing, deep within our souls, that something BIG, POWERFUL, AND LOVING made such splendid creations! It is easy to see the beauty in the world when faced with such picturesque wonders that are too magnificent to have been made by man. 

But why if we can acknowledge the beauty and glory in nature, is it so hard to see the same glory, majesty, and awe inspiring work in people? Why can't we see people as God's ultimate masterpiece? I mean, we were made in His image, which has to be pretty amazing right? But don't we often overlook that same kind of beauty in the face and lives of others? One of my friends was complaining about cliques in church. My reply back, was, "Yes, if you look for cliques you will find them everywhere. But I challenge you to dig a little deeper. Have you noticed the beauty in the single mom showing up toting three kids just to hear the worship music? Have you seen the drug addict finally free from his addictions helping with communion? Have you watched the big burly man all tatted up raising his arms in submission to God?

Jealousy, apathy, greed, forgiveness, fear, lack of compassion, and bitterness block out His glorious work in humans. "But Kimberley, mountains don't move, lakes don't hurt your heart, oceans don't argue back! A flower wants nothing from you!" Yes, I know that people are messy, hurtful, and hard to deal with. But the same God that formed the mountains and commands the oceans, the same God that created the Grand Canyon and the Great Barrier Reef, created people! Do you think He gave us humans His leftovers? Can you imagine that He put less effort into us than nature? 

Jesus sees "all our flaws, insecurities, and sins" exposing them for the ugliness they are and "against all reason and rationale", looks at us and declares us beautiful! He hung on the cross, and gave his life for all "those difficult, awful, and broken" people! Jesus doesn't see a prostitute or a young man ravaged by addiction as worthless; he doesn't look over the "least" of these! He doesn't point the finger at the adulterer, liar, thief, abuser, cheater, drunk, gossiper, slanderer, and say, "You are beyond hope and redemption is not for the likes of you!" He doesn't complain when we just don't "get it" or yell, "I'm done trying with you"! He doesn't zero in on all the ways we need to improve to meet the "standard". Jesus simply offers the gospel, "You can't but I did!"

I challenge you all, to digger deeper! Sometimes the beauty in others is WAY below the surface, not easily found....but IT'S THERE! Look harder! Pray for God to drop the scales from your eyes to see people the way He sees them. Start with your family, search for God's glory in your husband before he walks in the door from work, push back against focusing on all the reasons to criticize him. Find the beauty in your kids even when they are talking back or aggravating you to the point of frustration. Look for the grace in some of your colleagues, especially the ones who annoy you. Seek out all the blessings that are in your church even when you don’t like or agree with everything. Stop judging or overlooking the beautiful people God has already placed in your life, you just might not see it yet!

The old saying,"How do you see the glass of water? Half full or half empty?" I ask you, "How do you see people? As God's creations or all the things wrong with them?"

"So God created mankind in his own image,  in the image of God he created them..." Genesis 1:27


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