Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Hillsong Halloween

On Halloween night, we traveled to Phoenix to see a concert featuring the band Hillsong. This was kind of a risk because we still have a 10 year old that loves trick-or-treating and might not enjoy the music as much as he would the candy, but we decided it was something we were going to do as a family! Of course we start off our trip bickering and biting at each other, and I think, “Oh great this should be fun. What a stupendous way to begin our ‘Bonding Time’!” I immediately question if this was a good idea or not and hope that we can pull it together!

“Lord, calm my anxious spirit! Help me to relax and enjoy this time with my husband and kids! Change my heart. Change my attitude. Help me not kill anyone.” (That’s my go-to prayer a dozen trillion times a day)

As the lights dimmed and the music begin to play, I was OVERWHELMED by a sense of rightness…It is well with my soul! Before the first song finished, I was quietly praying over each of my kids that they would let the words of tonight pierce their hearts and they would follow Jesus the rest of their lives. That they will always know they ARE LOVED! I prayed my husband would find refuge in the songs and his heart would overflow with the praise of God’s awesomeness. I wasn’t singing along because the music was a backdrop to my conversation with God and I knew we were meant to be here!

At this point Bryan looked at me and noticed I wasn’t as involved in the concert as I usually am. He knows I love Hillsong and I am a handraiser, jumper, mover and shaker in an awkward- I-don’t-care-kind-of-way, when the spirit moves me with some music!! “Kimberley, are you okay? Can you see? Do you need more room?” Nope, I am good…it is well with my soul!

Over the next two hours I experienced God’s glory shine so brightly consuming the darkness and filling the room with his Holy Spirit offering hope, joy, life, freedom, redemption, forgiveness, and most of all LOVE! Words cannot adequately describe watching over 3500 people with their hands in the air worshipping Jesus, shouting out praises to our Savior, the King of Kings, and the Creator of life!

If that wasn’t enough I got a precious gift, the BLESSING of watching my children connect with Jesus. I saw my son jumping up and down shouting out that Jesus is Lord. I saw my reserved daughter singing all the words of songs that were impressing upon her heart who is King. After my 10 year old woke up (yes he slept through some of the loudest parts) he told me that the book that was passed out he was going to give it to his friend’s mom that didn’t know Jesus and write a special note in it…....I wasn’t proud of them! Not even close. That puts the focus on me like I am doing something right! NO I WAS TRULY HUMBLED because it wasn’t about being a good or bad parent it was about seeing HOW AMAZING GOD is and getting a chance to glimpse Him at work through my kids. It is well with my soul!!

Without a shadow of a doubt I know we were supposed to be at that concert, on that night, with those people, no matter the obstacles, no matter the rough start, no matter the anxiety, no matter what we gave up to get there….because God was reminding me I GOT THIS! I AM!

“For God, who said, “Let there be light in the darkness,” has made this light shine in our hearts so we could know the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ.” 2 Cor 4:6


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