Sunday, September 20, 2015

I Get Knocked Down!

A few years ago I told my husband that one of my theme songs for my life was, "I Get Knocked Down But I Get Up Again." He looked at me and said, "That's nice Kimberley because that is not the name of the song. It's called Tubthumping and the whole song is about getting drunk."

Oh...well.... I must have missed that, what a dumb name! But I think it's really catchy and it just speaks to me.

In my head, I would literally chant over and over again, "I get knocked down but I get up again you're never gonna keep me down! I get knocked down but I get up again you're never gonna keep me down!"

Because life is hard. Really hard. It's easy to  feel knocked down a lot! Relationships, finances, family drama, work problems, house or car repairs, paying for college, saving for retirement, medical bills, the list is endless. The minute you seem to catch your breath something can come and blow you over again! Give you a 1, 2 PUNCH! For me, growing up in a dysfunctional family was difficult. Being a teenager without much guidance and dating the wrong guys did a number on my self-esteem. Getting through college without any financial support was tough. Making a lot of dumb decisions in my young adult years made me face some not so pretty consequences. Losing my grandma and my best friend in one year was life altering. Getting into a car accident, twice, that took away my military career seemed unfair beyond belief. So many times I felt like I'm done! I can't take much more. There has to be something else to life than just this! How many times can a person get knocked down? It was tiring and lonely. But I knew, I felt it in the depths of my soul, that no matter what I would get back up again. I just couldn't put my finger on the why.

After I started going to church and learning about God, I realized what the why was. I knew then that I didn't have to be alone. The fight wasn't me against the world. I finally understood that there is more to life than just surviving the punches. He's called Jesus! The world  would not keep me down. My past would not keep me down. My problems were not going to keep me down. When I get knocked around, instead of feeling defeated I know that God has a plan for my life. I know that I am loved beyond anything I could ever imagine! Not one hurt goes unnoticed. He doesn't promise that this life will be easy, fair, without issues, or all about my comfort. What He does promise is that He is preparing a home for me where I can spend eternity singing and dancing with him. He does promise me that when life gets too much to handle because it most certainly will, He will pick me up and carry me the rest of the way!

So although that song has a very silly name and the words were written in a different context, I choose to sing that chorus and put my spin on it, " I get knocked down and I get up again nothing is gonna keep me down because I have an army of angels on my side and a Savior who promises to be my shelter from the storms!"

"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging." Psalms 42:1-3


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