Saturday, December 31, 2011

Here Goes It....

A few weeks ago at a soccer game one of my friends said, "Kimberley, I think you should write a daily devotional, something like a Proverbs 31 woman devotion." My immediate response was no way, I am not anything like the woman described in that chapter. My friend laughed and said, "Yeah but you could write about what it is like to be a real Proverb's woman." I went home and read the verses and was over whelmed at how far off I really am from the woman described in the bible (will send out Proverbs 31....Not!! blog). Over the last few weeks I have struggled or actually argued with God about how he wanted me to respond to this request. I gave him PLENTY of reasons of why I thought this would not be a good idea; I don't have the time, I don't know what to say, I am often a poor example of a Godly woman, who would really want to read it, I have horrible grammar, writing takes a lot out of me, it leaves me vulnerable and raw, did I mention my limited amount of time?  He let me rant and rave and was often silent. Just when I thought I had him convinced that I was right he would give me a gentle nudge, "Obey, even if it is uncomfortable." So, with a pit in my stomach and a huge fear of failure looming over my shoulder I will try to be obedient. I have no idea if I can write every day, if what I say will make sense, or if I will offend someone. I made a list of people who were on my heart. If you do not want to receive this in your email simply hit reply and type, "Please remove me". I will also post these on my blog

In His Grace, 
Kimberley Lee


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