Saturday, June 9, 2012

What Have We Done?

The last time we bought a TV was in 1998. Bryan dropped that one a few years ago and my sister gave us one of her extras. That one just broke so it was time to get a new one. I dislike dishing out hundreds of dollars for something I have a love/hate relationship with. We don't watch much, we don't have cable but I do love Netflix and playing the Wii together. Our journey through TV land ended at Best Buy. We came out with a new flat screen and CABLE! Cable? Yep, that's right. There was this big guy that looked like The Rock (Duane Johnson) who started talking to Bryan and all of a sudden we have cable. It was fast and almost painless. What a great deal we got, no contract, cancel at any time, we are just going to have it for the summer to watch the Olympics. The reasons for not having cable for the past 13 years went right out the door. 

Of course the kids are ecstatic as Bryan hooks up all the wires. But all I could feel was anxiety. I love me some HGTV and the TLC channel but what if this consumes us? I know some of you are thinking, "Kimberley, get a grip its cable not surgery." I have an uneasy feeling that now this box will become more of a focal point in our home. As we were scrolling through all the channels I was horrified at the garbage that was offered. Even the commercials are more intense. Am I going to have to become the TV police? Basically cable is set up for us to never leave our home or stick us to the couch eyes glued forward. AAAHHHH what have we done????? Bryan said let's try it for a few months but what if we don't have the will power to actually shut it off?

This might not seem like a huge deal to many of you but to me this decision has enormous consequences! I don't want to lose some of the principals we have instilled in our kids just because it's convenient or everybody else is doing it. I don't want TV to rule our life because of the show schedule. And I don't want my children to become zombies!


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