Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Gift That Goes Unopened

I don't know a person alive who doesn't like to receive a gift. Gifts make us feel special. They make us feel that somebody cared enough to give us something. The mystery of what is inside is exciting. Will it be something we want? Will it be expensive? Looking at the shiny wrapping paper or colorful bag even causes excitement. At Christmas time I think my kids just like the joy of opening all the presents rather than focusing on what is inside. They go through many of them with eyes glazed over and seem to have their sights set on the next one.

I also don't know of a person who would get a big, shiny, beautifully, wrapped present made just for them and let it go unopened. Many of you have this gift, sitting on your kitchen table, where you just look at it every day. You walk around it, move it, and live life, without ever looking to see what is inside. You might know this gift was given to you free of charge, but then doubt that something so awesome would come without a cost. You somewhat remember that the person who gave it to you loved you. You often wonder just what would happen if you did tear it open. You think about how your life might be a little bit better if you didn't have to keep walking around or moving it out of the way. But the unknown, the fear of change, selfish desires, and all the other noise of the world keep getting in the way. So you hesitate, hand on the bow, shake your head and walk away. Leaving the gift unopened. 

That gift on your kitchen table? The one that was made especially for you? Given to you by the One who created you. The one who numbered the hairs on your head. That gift is God's son Jesus. The gift is eternal life. The gift is living water. The gift is..redemption, forgiveness, grace, mercy, peace, love, and hope.

"For God so loved the world he gave his only son that whomever believes in him shall have eternal life." John 3:16

Yep, that's right the gift is for everyone no matter your past, race, finances, family, sex, creed, political affiliation, tattoos, piercings, abuse, or doubts. The gift is for everybody. And it's free. What did you do to earn it? Nothing. How can you buy it? You can't. How can you get another one? It can only be opened by the one individual that it was designed for. Can you choose to ignore it and not open it? Yes. God gives you free will. You can let His perfect gift sit on your kitchen table forever. You can choose to live life without Him but it was not what you were created for. You were meant to open that gift. That gift was bought with a high price, God's son on the cross.

This Christmas, I pray you will focus on the true gifts of the season. I pray if you have Jesus in your life you share Him and reflect Him well. I pray if you have not opened the perfect gift from above, that you will keep searching for the truth and will one day accept His indescribable gift. 

"Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!" 2 Cor 9:15


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