Monday, February 18, 2013

It's War..

As a soldier you might be familiar with war. War is not something to brag about. The cost is high, but sometimes necessary. As Christians, we are also in the middle of a war, one that has eternal ramifications. The battle rages on, evil does not want to give up. It is all around us robbing, stealing, distracting, abusing, even killing to keep people from choosing the truth. Just turn on the TV and watch the news to see the schemes of the devil. At times it can be overwhelming or confusing. Why would God let these things happen? Why doesn't He stop all this destruction? Death? Despair?

Adam and Eve chose to open Pandora's box of sin. What you see around us is just that....sin. This is a fallen broken world. Again we are in a war. Until Jesus comes back or we go to heaven we cannot stop fighting. Fighting for our families, fighting for our friends, fighting against the lies and deception the world is throwing at us. We must fight for righteousness, honor, integrity, and most importantly for our souls. We don't pick up guns, knives, swords, or weapons in this battle. Light pushes back the darkness. Love overcomes hate. Truth trumps falsehood.

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."
 Ephesians 6:12

As a Christian, you will be called to the front lines. God will ask, "Are you for me or against me? You can't sit on the fence. You must choose. This battle will be long. Hard doesn't even begin to describe it. You will be mocked, ridiculed, put down, and yes, even tested because you follow me. So I ask you, are you ready to go to battle? What are you made of? How deep is your faith? It is easy to say you will follow me when everything is going great for you but what kind of warrior will you be when you have been stripped of everything? How will you respond when those you love are dead, your house has crumbled, your finances have been drained, your reputation is shattered, and your body is diseased? Will you stand firm then? Will you give in to temptation or curse my name? When fires are raging around you will you crumble? Will you stay true to me? Will you obey my commands even when you don't understand? Or will you chose to do your own thing because you think you know better?"

God wants warriors, engaged in the fight. Ones that people will follow. They may be scarred and beaten but they persevere. They stand firm on the promises of Christ, deeply rooted in God's love. The battle will get intense but their faith is tested and true. They acknowledge that God is the beginning and the end. His glory will reign!

"Should we accept only good things from the hand of God and never anything bad?...But now when trouble strikes, you lose heart. You are terrified when it touches you. Doesn’t your reverence for God give you confidence? Doesn’t your life of integrity give you hope?" Job 4:5-6


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