Friday, May 2, 2014

Delta Delta Delta

Sororities and fraternities pretty much have a bad reputation most of the time. With all the movies, Saturday night live skits, news coverage, and hazing ridiculousness, the Greek organizations often fulfill their infamous stereotypes. I, myself, poke fun when I sheepishly admit that I joined a very well-known sorority in college. But what people don't take into account are the benefits of being a part of Greek life. One of them being the people you meet and friendships you make that can last a lifetime.

I graduated from college almost 20 years ago and the friendships I made in my sorority are ones I still treasure to this day. The memories of our time living in the dorm together, dressing up for formals, going to parties, laughing at the antics of the frat boys, are all fun to reminisce about but the bonds have grown stronger since we have graduated. It’s the weddings we have shared together, the birthdays, baby showers, kid functions, Christmas parties, even the funerals and other milestones that have made these woman so important to me. It’s being able to appreciate the lines that are etched a little deeper in our faces, because of the many joyful events as well as the sorrows we have had to endure. It's accepting each other for who were are and respecting the different journeys we are all on. It's knowing that I might not see them often but when I do it’s like wrapping myself up in warm fuzzy blanket of comfort. Being a part of a sorority is sometimes what you see on TV, but for me it has been sharing life, tears, laughter, joy, heartache, with some pretty AMAZING people!  Calling them sisters is not too strong of a word for how I feel about them. 


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