Thursday, May 12, 2016

What's the Game Plan?

Most sports teams use some kind of huddle when they are playing a game. The team comes together to receive instructions; have a chat or discussion about what they are all supposed to do next. The people in the huddle usually are a tight knit group, very familiar with each other. They are close and count on each individual to do their part. A huddle is important because it gets everyone facing the same direction, on the same page, and following the game plan. Otherwise, it's easy for chaos to reign. It's pretty painful to watch football players run around like chickens with their heads cut off because they don't know what's going on. So many beautiful throws not caught because the receiver went a different route. So many missed opportunities to score or win because someone didn't follow the plan.

And while huddles are essentials for all those reasons, imagine if a team always stayed in one? Picture the Dallas Cowboys or the ASU Sun Devils (boo) on the field in the huddle and they never say, "Break". They just remain in their little circle of players, in the middle of the field, oblivious to whatever is going around them. They just keep chatting, slapping each other on the butt, laughing, making plans for the weekend, telling each other how great they are, and how glad they are to be part of this amazing team! Ignoring the fans, the other team, the officials, and all the people who came to be a part and watch the game.

That would be awkward right? Disappointing? Maybe even expected from some teams because we know how full of themselves they are right?

But how does this apply when it comes to church? Doesn't it seem churches are doing kind of the same thing ....staying in the huddle or our tight knit groups, congratulating ourselves on how good we are doing but never really executing the game plan? We might be pretty good at putting together a great Sunday service for our members or having an awesome VBS that consists mainly of church kids but how well are we following the Great Commission? 

"Well, we have those words in our bylaws and we have an outreach program, and we do lots of neat stuff for the underprivileged like packing shoe boxes, backpacks, food and diaper drives, cleaning up schools once a year, and giving Christmas presents for kids with parents in prison!"

All of that is helpful and definite ways to get people involved with serving others...but the Great Commission states, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." Jesus is not asking you to create a program or an annual event you put on the church calendar. He is CALLING you to a way of life!

"Huddles" in churches are important! You want to build community, deepen relationships, be close to one another, and be brothers and sisters in Christ so you can lean on each other to face the world! 

But when we fail to truly execute the God-size plan, the call  on our lives to go and make disciples of everyone, we miss out on one of the reasons we needed a Savior. We miss so many opportunities to deepen our faith by reaching out to others and being part of the bigger purpose in our lives. The mission is crystal clear! God didn't give us a suggestion. He didn't say go if you feel like it or can fit it in your busy calendar. He didn't give you the option of sitting on the sidelines because you feel uncomfortable or don't think you really know what you are doing. He commanded us to GO! We all have a part to play, a route to take, a pass to catch. Let's break out of our "Holy church huddles" and start executing the game plan! Let's start inviting people into a life-giving and life-changing relationship with Jesus!  


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