Sunday, February 5, 2012

Landen-My Hero!


Landen is our middle child, our first born son. He didn't have a traumatic birth. He doesn't have any major medical problems. He isn't high maintenance. He is not the funniest one in the family or the loudest or the one who gets the best grades. But Landen is one of my heroes!!! 

Ever since he was little he had a seriousness about him that was way above his age. He is sensitive and always has taken things to heart. When he was four we were at a Newsboys concert and he raised his hand at the end when they asked if anyone wanted to accept Jesus into their heart. I took notice but then questioned, "How much does a four-year old really understand?" So, I did what every responsible mom would do...I did nothing. Chalked it up to a cute moment:(

At five his kindergarten teacher asked his class what their "gifts" were that God gave them. He raised his hand and said, "Teacher, I think my gift is love. I want to go give clean water and build houses for people who need them. So I think God gave me the gift of love." Later that year we were watching the African Children's Choir perform. They showed a video during intermission of the situation in their country of Nigeria. I looked down at Landen and he looked up at me with these big green eyes and said, "Mom you know I have to go." Did I mention that he was five...

At six, Landen sat Bryan and I down and asked when he could get baptized. He had been asking us ever since the Newsboys concert and we kept blowing him off. I told Bryan, "Honey you have to talk to him! This is out of my realm. I didn't become a Christian until I was 23. I don't understand what a child should know before he gets baptized. Aren't you a pastor? Shouldn't this be easier?" We asked Landen why he wanted to do this. His answer, "I asked Jesus in my heart a long time ago and now I want to get baptized to show that I will follow him all my life." Again, how much does a kid understand? Apparently a lot!

Over the next few years Landen has shown us just what having a child like faith in God looks like. He has humbled us with his insights, his courage to share Jesus with others, and his faithfulness in what he believes! Riding home from soccer one day he said he talked to his friends about Jesus while they were playing. I nervously took a deep breath and questioned whether he said the right thing or did he offend anyone? He cocked his head and said, "Mom, God gave me the words to say. So it was okay."

His wise words have continued at many different times and have blown us away. One time he told his friend that the reason he says bad things is because he has sin in his heart that he needs to get out. He apologized to his sister by saying, "I am sorry I called you a name that was my anger talking not my true feelings. My words were reckless." His younger brother who was making fun of his size and he boldly stated, "I might not be fragile on the outside but I am fragile on the inside" as he pointed to his heart. When he was at the dermatologists and she was cutting out two huge moles with no anesthesia he said in obvious pain, "It's okay mom. God made me brave." He was only 6.

Last summer the kids were all being super crazy in the car and I said they were acting like brats. (not my finest mom moment). With tears in his eyes, Landen asked if he could talk to me when we got home. We went in to my bedroom and he said, "Mom, I know that we were not being good but that word really hurt my feelings. I was wondering if you could choose a different word when you talk to us because that one just really hurts." Ouch!

Our son struggles with stuff that is pretty heavy for the shoulders of a little boy. He is struggling with saying the school's Citizens pledge. When I asked him why, he said, "Mom, I already do those things not because my school wants me to but because I already made a vow to God. I am uncomfortable with saying a pledge to something that is not from God." Or the time I found him on his bed obviously upset. I asked if I could help. He answers with, "Mom, it's hard to put into words. I try to compare myself with God and what he wants me to do. And every day I fail. I don't know how to be who he wants me to be." Oh..well this isn't an easy bed time discussion for an 8 year old! 

As a teenager, he can be stubborn, grumpy and selfish sometimes. But he still opens doors for people, holds my arm when I am walking down the stairs, and gives us hugs almost EVERY single day. 

Landen is my hero not because he is perfect. He is not. Not because he doesn't make mistakes. He does. Not that we don't have to discipline him. We do. 

Landen is my hero because he stands up for what he believes even when its uncomfortable at such a young age. He sings worships music at the top of his lungs not caring if he is off key or who is watching. He hides God's word in his heart by making us read a devotional to him every night as he writes down the verses in his journal. (His idea not ours). Landen is my hero because he made his relationship with God his own even in spite of his parent's obvious shortcomings!

"Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity." 1 Timothy 4:12


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