Saturday, May 11, 2013

When I Became A Mom....

When I became a mom I had no idea what I was in for! I knew that kids were a lot of hard work, they were cute most of the time, and figured if I could teach preschool it couldn't be much different.....right?
When I became a mom I had no idea that I could LOVE three little people with every fiber of my being. I had no idea that God made them look like ANGELS when they slept so I could start fresh the next day. 
I had no idea that I would WILLINGLY sacrifice my looks, my shoe allowance, and my coveted pedicures so I could save up for things to buy them instead. 

I had no idea that I would turn into a CRAZY mama bear when anyone tries to hurt my kids or crush their spirit. I had no idea that a homemade card, a lopsided pottery cup, a crushed paper flower or colored picture made at school would be PRICELESS treasures that could never compare to a Coach purse or diamond earrings.

I had no idea that I would become a nurse, teacher, coach, cheerleader, taxi driver, chef, maid, librarian, counselor, seamstress, photographer, drill sergeant to get them up in the morning, keeper of all secrets, cleaner upper of throw-up, magician that makes the boogie-man go away and anything else they need, just because my name is MOM.

I had no idea that when I became a mom that a cuddle, a KISS, a sweet word from one of my kids puts tears in my eyes especially as they get older and don't need me as much.
I had no idea that when I became a mom I was supposed to show them how to be kind, loving, COURAGEOUS, filled with integrity, and hardworking because I am preparing them to go out into the world and leave me! I had no idea that just thinking there will be a time when their beds will be EMPTY, their rooms clean all the time, and my house eerily quiet because they live someplace else, could bring me to my knees with grief.

When I became a mom I had no idea that God was entrusting me to raise these beautiful PRECIOUS children He created.....not because I was worthy, not because I wouldn't mess up, not because I would be the best...He gave then to me to teach me the true meaning of LOVE

I had no idea what that really meant until now.....Happy Mother's Day!


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