Monday, May 18, 2015

Whispers To My Graduate!

My son is graduating from elementary school and starting junior high next year! My daughter is going to high school! Talk about transitions! There are so many feelings, memories, and nostalgia swirling in me that I really can't wrap my brain around it. Where did the time go? How are we here already? Didn't I just drop them off at the front door to kindergarten like yesterday? I need time to stop. Stand still. Give me more time to catch up. God, it's going too fast. In a few years I will be sending them off to college. AGH! Breathe! Deeply.

What is it that I really want them to know as they walk in this different space in life? How do I put into words how important the next few years will be but yet, help them understand that these years will only represent a small sliver of their future?

Dear Lakin, Landen, and Lawson,
As your mom, I cannot tell you enough how PROUD I am of you both. Not because of how well you did in school and sports or the accomplishments you achieved, but because you are turning into such wonderful young adults. I have LOVED watching you grow along the way and being a part of every step of your journey. This next phase of your life I have to start letting you go, slowly, to experience things and make your own path. Instead of holding your hand like when you were little, I will be walking behind you, still watching and guiding, but from a bit of a distance. NEVER forget, not for one moment, that I will not be there for you! I will still be there to catch you if you fall or to lean on if you stumble. Remember without a shadow of a doubt that your dad and I love you with all our hearts! There is nothing you can do for us to love you less and nothing you can do for us to love you more. We love you just because you are ours!


The road ahead will not always be easy or fun or go the way you want. More often than not there will be mountains and valleys that you did not expect.
Don't QUIT! Even when it gets hard. Really hard. Or even when it seems impossible. Never give up! The finish line could be that next hill you have to climb, that next step you have to take. 

Life is not fair. Don't focus on trying to make it equal or just. This takes a lot of unnecessary energy. Do what you can do and BE THE CHANGE that you want to see in the world.

Character Counts. Really. Doing what is right is still right even if no one else is doing it.

Choices matter. Doing what is wrong it still wrong even if everybody else is doing it.

Real friends are hard to find. The ones who not only hold your hand but hold you up when the storms of life try to take you down. Be that kind of friend.

Watch what you say! Words are powerful and can be very painful. I have seen them destroy others. They also have a tendency to come back and bite you in the butt!

OWN your Junk! If it's your fault don't push it off on others. Take the hit. Accept the consequences. 

DREAM BIG! God created you for a reason. Don't settle for less. You can do MORE than you ever imagined!

You are UNIQUE. There is only one you. Don't try to be someone else just to fit in. Don't compare yourself to others you are not them. Just be you!

Have FUN! Enjoy yourself! Laugh a lot even if sometimes it has to be at yourself. You only get to live life once! 

PRAY. PRAY. PRAY. God's got this! Even when He seems silent or not paying attention, He is there. He promises never to leave us. He has a plan. Trust Him. 


"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid: do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."  Joshua 1:9


Mobile App Developers said...

Very informative, keep posting such good articles, it really helps to know about things.

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