Monday, September 3, 2012

They Will Know.....

The other day I was reading a magazine that talked about when a Marine enters the training camp as a new recruit there is a sign at the front gate for all to see, "Parris Island where the difference begins". After they graduate the difference is very noticeable. You will know a Marine by the way their hair is cut, the stiff posture when they walk, the way they talk with a 'steely sense of focus and determination and you may sense their obvious self-discipline, the toughness, and the readiness to follow orders no matter what.' Marines stand for something and they are known by those things. 

The questioned was then asked, "Well how about churches and their goal in making devoted followers of Jesus? What does the difference look like there?"

"If the church exists to see people transformed from a state of brokenness and selfishness shouldn't we be clear about what a transformed Christian looks like? If it's not hard to spot a Marine, how does one spot a spiritually mature Christian?"

This article gave me a gut check! Why is it so hard to spot a Christian? And if we are 'spotted' are we reflecting Jesus well? When I look around I am horrified by all the anger, hate, bitterness, judgment, legalism and misrepresentation of Jesus. I am pretty sure you wouldn't find Him blowing up abortion clinics, carrying ugly signs at parades spewing more hate, rolling His eyes at the homeless beggar asking for money again, putting down people from other countries because of a few very misguided terrorists, or marginalizing the ones who are already on the outside. I don't think Jesus would be posting hateful things on Facebook about others or blasting the president in public even if he strongly disagreed with how he is running the country. (Think of the crazies running things during his time).In the Bible it says Jesus hung out with tax collectors, prostituted, and adulterers. He chastised the Pharisees for thinking they were better than everyone else.

How can you "spot" a Christian? 

 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:34-35

They will know you are His by Your LOVE! Let's think about that when we say we are Christians. The world should be able to tell you belong to HIM because of how you treat others. That is the difference...what we stand for should be LOVE because we were given the ultimate example... when he was hanging from the cross!!!


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