Monday, September 17, 2012

To Shave or Not to Shave?

The other day I got into the shower and shaved under my arms and one full leg before I realized that I had not taken the guard off the razor. Seriously!!!! Here I thought it was dull and that's why it was not getting close enough. But noooo, it was brand new! I was so distracted and busy that I was almost done with my task before I realized that something was wrong. What a waste of time! Frustrated and feeling pretty dumb, I did the mature thing.... I threw the razor down and refused to shave at all. There that will show it who is boss. You might be saying right now, "Kimberley? Really? You are fighting with an inanimate object? Sticking it to the razor?"

I began to think what other areas in my life are a bit off or not getting done right because of my busy schedule. We often pack our lives with anything and everything. Most of it with good intentions but are we missing the mark? Are our priorities where they should be? If we say yes to something we are saying no to something else because there is no way we can fit "IT" all in. I promise that there are only 24 hours in each day, no more, no less. Let my yes be yes and my no be no but what should I be focusing on? How do I know what comes first? "God, you do realize that I work full time, I'm still in school, have three kids, a pastor for a husband, and mentor others?" I don't know what to put on the chopping block. Many times I just throw up my hands and quit because it becomes overwhelming!

"Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God." Colossians 3:1-3

God's answer...."Kimberley, if you really took a look at your schedule you would realize that some things are merely distractions to get you off track. One of your enemy's biggest tools is to keep you running around like a chicken with your head cut off, so busy, you are doing nothing well. Start each day with praying, "God, show me your ways. Today is the day you have made. Not only will I rejoice and be glad in it, I will obey and listen to your spirit about what you want me to accomplish. Set my heart on your will for my life not my to do list."

That night I was lying in bed with my son and he puts his feet on my legs and says, "Gross mom, your legs feel like a prickly cactus." Yeah, I really stuck it to that razor didn't I?


Lost Dreams said...

I love you so much Kimberley!!! Your words are wise and come at a perfect time, as I was just thinking all this too. Thank you for sharing. And as for the shaving, only our kids would notice and say anything; there's always the next shower!!

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