Monday, January 27, 2014

Precious Moments

Lakin goes to the same school now that I do, so every day we get to ride together, just the two of us. Sometimes we listen to music and don't say a word. Sometimes we laugh about my addictions to McDonald's ice tea or how the drive thru people knows me by name there. Sometimes we talk about what we heard on the radio. A few times, she will open up and share what's going on with her friends. I treasure these moments and know how precious they really are because too soon she will be all grown up. I pray that I will truly listen to her talk and not jump in with advice. I pray that I will hear her heart and see the meaning behind her words. I pray that I will let her work through her thoughts and not try to fix everything for her. Whenever I get frustrated that I have "no time to myself", I thank God that I have these special moments with my daughter to get to know the beautiful woman she is becoming.

When my house is quiet and the pitter patter of baby feet are no more, the dining room table has only two place settings, the living room isn’t cluttered with toys, and my children’s beds are empty, I want to remember these conversations with my daughter. When she is standing up at her graduation or walking down the aisle at her wedding, I want to remember these precious moments when it was just the two of us riding in the car together. 

"Children are a gift from the Lordthey are a reward from him."
 Psalms 127:3


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