Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The "Other" Family

God gives us a family which we were born into. We don't get to choose them; often we probably would trade in a few or all of them. Return to sender. This one is broke. This one doesn't fit. This one just annoys me to death. Luckily or by design, things don't work that way or we might be the one labeled as defective and shipped off.

But God will also bless us with a "family" that might not be blood related but become an important part of us not because they have to but because they choose to be around us. He places people in our lives, friends, co-workers, mentors, students, on our paths that we are supposed to share our journeys with. It is truly humbling because these people could technically walk away at any time. Family guilt and blood don't make them show up. They show up because of the relationship. They show up because they choose to.

This "family" is a treat, a glimpse of the body of Christ. This "family" I love no less. I open my home, my family, and my life to them. They see the good, the bad, the ugly, and the downright crazy. When they walk away it hurts, deeply. So then why bother with people that are not family? Isn't family enough to deal with? Doesn't it get messy and weird? 

The answer is yes! But I can testify that these relationships are worth the mess, the pain, the weirdness. The more people you love on and the more people who love on you, enriches your life in ways that you never could imagine!

Whether we are sitting around my dinner table, hanging out on the couches, or serving in church together, we are investing in each other's lives. We discuss deep issues, make silly jokes, laugh at each other, and share our struggles. We hold each other accountable for our words, our actions, our choices, not in judgment but in love. We try to give each other grace when mistakes are made, feelings are hurt, or wrongs need to be made right. We create a community not built on obligation or guilt but a safe place to be yourself. A place to come and get recharged so that you can go back out and face the world.

Often, people say to us, "How cool that you and Bryan open your home like that. It is great that those people have you guys." My response to them is No Way! You don't understand. Bryan and I are the ones lucky to have them!! Their love has humbled us greatly. Their commitment to showing up and being a part of our family is amazing. The way they love on our kids, serve us , and show respect are blessings beyond what we could ever ask for.

Our "other family"  give me the courage to keep fighting, for a tomorrow that was better than my yesterday. A tomorrow where you can be bold because you have people in your life who have your back. A tomorrow that is filled with hope and love because you have people who will stand by you no matter what. Our "other family" is a treat, a glimpse of what heaven will be like.


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