Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Sweet Surprises!

The other day two of my friends came by my work to have lunch with me. They brought me yummy food but most importantly they came bearing donuts! They didn't stay long, since I only have 31 minutes to eat, but it was just enough to boost my spirit and put a smile on my face. Later that night a friend brought me home made chocolate chip cookies. Again, such a sweet surprise literally!

These gifts did not cost much. They were nothing extraordinary but they were..thoughtful. I felt loved, appreciated, and special because someone had taken time out of their day to do something nice for me. In return, it made me WANT to do something kind for somebody else. God started bringing people to my mind of who I needed to bless. Again, all it takes is a simple smile, a note, a coffee, a cupcake, a phone call, an encouraging text, a post-it with a verse, letting a person cut in line, giving up that great parking space, holding back your tongue, saying thank you. It can be anything done with a spirit of joy expecting nothing in return.

Can a few small acts of kindness change the world? Well it won't solve world hunger or stop all the wars or save the o-zone, but it can put a smile on a face! Taking time outside of our busy, hectic schedules to bless someone else reflects the God we love. Serving others in the small ways can be just as awesome as the big ways. Encouraging one another can give us a glimpse of heaven on Earth.

I challenge you to start looking for opportunities to encourage and serve someone around you. Not to feel good about yourself. Not to check off a box that you did your good deed for the day. But just because you serve a loving, loving God. Be intentional. Be specific. Be Joyful. Be grateful that you have the ultimate example of sacrifice hanging on the cross! 

"Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you." 2 Corinthians 13:11


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