Monday, January 7, 2013

Back To Work

Today as I got up for work, I dreaded the thought of going back after two weeks off. I loved having an open schedule; waking up when we wanted to, eating a slow breakfast with my family, going to the park after lunch. I would piddle around my house getting stuff done that I had been putting off for months..because now I had a little extra time. But today it is back to the grind and chaos of getting all five of us ready for the day.

So, I am brushing my teeth, grumbling, and I think to myself, "Kimberley, you have a choice to spend your day with a bad attitude or you can CHOOSE to look at this differently. You can choose to be grateful that you have a job, when many don't. You can choose to go to work with a happy heart and bless others who are maybe feeling the same way you are right now. You can choose to be thankful that you are alive and healthy with one more day on this earth. You can choose to look at all the good things around you. Or you can choose to just sit back and complain."

Yeah, well right but what if I really like to complain and grumble? "Again the choice is yours but how do you want to write your day? With Me, Me, Me? or Jesus, Jesus, Jesus?"
"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for other people." Colossians 3:22


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