Monday, January 23, 2012

What I Believe

I don't believe in fairy tales but I do believe in true love.
I don't believe in the bogeyman but I do believe in the enemy.
I don't believe in Prince Charming on a white horse but I do believe in great guys that might look like the cable guy and drive a pinto.
I don't believe you need flowers for romance but I do believe a smile and laughing together is sexy as Heck :)
I don't believe you should spend your whole life trying to be happy but  think you should seek joy no matter your circumstances.
I don't believe people are born evil but I do believe that everyone has sin that could corrupt their soul.
I don't believe in Hollywood's superficial portrayal of relationships but I do believe people are meant to have deep long term friendships without the threat of betrayal or backstabbing.
I don't believe people change by what comes out of their mouth but I do believe people can change by what you see come out of their heart.
I don't believe in perfection but I do believe in trying to do your best and let grace fill in the rest.
I don't believe in forgetting all the stuff that has happened but I do believe in forgiveness so you can be free.
I don't believe crying makes you weak, but I do believe healing can begin with tears.
I don't believe in pity parties unless they are very short term, but I do believe there is always tomorrow otherwise you might get stuck.
I don't believe that we should "accept" everything, but I do believe we should love everyone.
I don't believe in world peace, but I do believe in a Savior that will bring peace to this world when he comes.

Do you know what you believe? Or do you sway with popular opinion? Do you just believe in what people have told you? Or do you search after the truth? Do you wait for others to give you wisdom? Or do you go to the source of knowledge? Isn't it time to know what you believe by knowing more about who you love?

Matthew 24:43-45 "Understand this: If a homeowner knew exactly when a burglar was coming, he would keep watch and not permit his house to be broken into. You also must be ready all the time, for the Son of Man will come when least expected."


Dustin DeJong said...

Time to go to the source.

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