Sunday, January 15, 2012

God, I Want This One!

A few years ago, I was challenged to have a conversation with God about one of my friends who was not a believer. Immediately one of my best friends came to mind and I when I got home I prayed, hard. After I finished, I was kind of emotional because of how much this guy means to me, realizing he doesn't know Jesus. God nudged me, "Why don't you tell him what you prayed to me?" Oh no God, he will think I am crazy. I do not want to pick a fight with him or make him uncomfortable. I don't want to him to feel bad or that he has to walk on eggshells around me because of what I believe. I prayed for him that should be good. "Kimberley, I am not here for your comfort or his. I want him to know what you prayed. Share your heart with matter the cost."



I know this might make you uncomfortable but I have to let you know what is on my heart. My Bible study leader asked, "Is there anyone that doesn't know God that you want to tell God what they mean to you?" Immediately your name popped into my head. So here is what I said...

"God, my friend Mark is very important to me. He is one of my best friends. We have known each other since we were thirteen years old, over 25 years. We have fought, laughed, partied, been through bad relationships together, shared secrets, kept secrets, talked a lot, not talked for awhile, but still we put up with each other.  We used to spend Thanksgivings together with our other friend having our own little dinner and playing games. We walked home everyday from school together and spent a lot of time at each others' houses.  He knows I am hard headed and opinionated but very loyal. I told one boyfriend if he didn't like Mark I would break up with him because this friend comes first. Up at college I was having a really hard time and in walked Mark into my work. Immediately my spirits lifted because I needed a friend and he was there. Did I mention he faced a giant for me? (My ex-boyfriend who was 6'4 and 200lbs). Mark went to him and told him how much he had hurt me knowing that my ex could crumple him into a ball.

I have watched him grow into a man of integrity, hard working, a great father and got to witness him marry his best friend. I love his wife, she is just the right amount of spice for him :) I know I can call him for anything and he would be there for me or my family. Yes God, he means a lot to me. I gave my son his middle name...

Lord, I want him to experience your love that will fill that void in his heart. I want him to be in the presence of the King. I want to see him seated next to you in heaven. I want his family to spend eternity with you and know there is something more to this life. God I know you know who he is because you created him BUT this is what he means to me...he is one of my best friends! God, I want this one in heaven with you!"

I just wanted to tell you what you mean to me. 

Love, Kimberley

"I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth." 1 Timothy 2:1-4


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