Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Cup

I came across this when I was cleaning out my office. I don't know who wrote it but I wanted to share it because the words spoke directly to my heart.

"This cup (picture of coffee mug) symbolizes the empty space which God has created within us that can only be filled by Him. Often we stretch out our hand with the empty cup expecting our spouses, our children, our friends, to fill our empty places. We always find that there must be a hole in the bottom of the cup as it never fills to the top. Those around us complain that we are ungrateful and always expecting more when in fact the empty cup is only meant to be filled with God. When it is filled with Him, the love we receive from others becomes the overflow and we can enjoy and be grateful for whatever amount we receive."

Lord, I pray for you to fill my cup so that my love for you will overflow into all areas of my life. Help me to be obedient to you and not try to fill my empty spaces with any other source but Jesus Christ.


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