Sunday, February 12, 2012

It's the Heart That Matters!

      I listened to an awesome sermon today by Pastor Mike Parejo from PCC. He basically confronted "The Church" about all these RULES they have come up with that are NOT in the bible. 
      They are man-made and keep people from having a genuine relationship with God. In fact, many of these so called "rules" have caused more people to turn away from God than to get closer to him. They have caused more people to leave the church then to cling to the body of believers that should be uplifting each other. They have caused so much misunderstanding that "Christian" has become a dirty word to many in the world. Much harm has come to people because of these rules that have been established in the name of God but really come from the ignorance of man.
     It is NOT about the rules it's about the relationship. It's not about doing more or doing all the right things. It's about your heart. It's about falling in love with our Savior and NOTHING else. NOTHING! It's about accepting his unconditional love, receiving the gift of eternal life. It's about living in the light of his glory, basking in his magnificent mercy, and resting in his undeserving grace. 
 Mike asked the question, "What boxes are you checking off in order to be a good Christian?" What rules do you think you have to follow in order for God to accept you? Don't get caught up in all the rules or boxes. God is after one thing....your heart. If he has your heart he has the rest of you! 
"Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts." Deuteronomy 6-5-6


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