Sunday, February 19, 2012

Signs He Might Not Be That Into You...

Ladies there are often "signs" of when things are starting to turn sour.  Red flags begin popping up. We have a choice whether to ignore them, even if they are waving them right in front of our faces and be "shocked" when they suddenly break up with us or we can acknowledge the signs and deal with them head on. 

Red Flags...

1. He takes longer and longer to call or text you back. When you first start dating responses are almost immediate. Now the lag time might be getting a bit too long. Before you rip into him make sure it is reasonable. If he works at Raytheon where they are not allowed to bring in their phones don't expect him to call back during work hours. That would be silly. But if he is at home watching TV and it takes him hours or even days to return a call or text...not good.

2. He starts asking you to "meet" him somewhere instead of coming to pick you up. Rarely is it okay for your boyfriend to not come and pick you up. You are his girl which he should feel honored to take care of you and pick you up in his coach...oh I mean car. If he offers lame excuses on a regular basis like you live so far, not enough gas, it will save bueno.

3. He starts talking about how tired he is all the time. He cuts out on dates early or doesn't want to go places because he is so tired. When a guy is interested.. sleep gets put on the back burner. I have always told guys,  "You will know you are in love when you find a girl you are willing to give up sleep for."  This new exhaustion could be a sign or you can just try to give him lots of vitamins in hope he snaps out of it.

4. When his phone becomes extremely "private". If he starts acting shady with his phone or paranoid that you are looking or touching flag!! Now I am all for privacy. I didn't normally just pick up Bryan's phone and go through it...this could seem desperate and untrustworthy. BUT if I did have it in my hands, Bryan never freaked out because he had nothing to hide. 

5. He starts avoiding your family. If he used to like hanging out with your family and now he doesn't there could be a problem. Unless you have a lot of family drama. Then it is natural to want to steer clear of crazyville. But remember it is hard to look a dad in the eye or have a mom be nice to you when you are about to break up with their daughter.

6. Friends see him with another girl. This seems obvious but you would be surprised how many times girlfriends let this go. If he is constantly hanging out with another girl this is a big red flag no matter what EXCUSES he comes up with. Don't buy the "we are just friends" unless they have known each other since kindergarten, she is a cousin, or she has a wart on her nose with hairs growing out of it that makes her completely unattractive. 

7. He stops wanting to kiss you good night. Have I mentioned that guys are physical creatures? They love to kiss. So if they all of sudden stop you are either A) a bad kisser B) have bad breath C) they are kissing someone else or d) they are pulling away because they are going to break up with you.
CAVEAT:Some guys, think pond scum, will totally make out with you even if he is planning on breaking up with you that night. True. So gross.

8. He changes his Facebook status! If all of a sudden he changes from being in a relationship to its complicated or single there is a problem. Also look to see if he is slowly taking down pictures of the two of you. It could be gradual, so slight you might not notice or he might say, "I just don't want anyone knowing our business!" Really isn't that the whole point of Facebook??? 



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